3 Factors That Should Influence Your Decision to Outsource Custom Software Development

So you want to build something and you are think to outsource custom software development. Whether it is a mobile app, a simple website with a login portal, or an intense web application that connects millions of people across the world, you still have the same basic need – you want to build something unique and efficient for your business.
As a Director of Business Development for my software company, I am asked everyday by potential clients, “Why should I outsource custom software development?” Just like any other proactive executive, they want to know that they are making the right decision before it’s even made.
Now technically, there is no way of knowing the best solution unless you could compare the final products created by different companies with factors such as quality, cost, and overall success. But we are all on a budget and simply do not have time to put forth such efforts.
However, what you can do is minimize your risks by carefully analyzing these 3 things when choosing your custom software development company to build your new product: Quality, Cost, Communication.
1. Quality of the Custom Software Development Company
At the top of your considerations should not only be the design, functionality, and speed of your software, but also the technical ability, experience, and reputation of the company or freelancer you are looking to work with. There is a theory that outsourcing development negatively affects quality, and this theory may be true in many cases. For example, there are countless software developers in countries such as India and China willing to work for less than $5/hr, but the quality will likely not match your expectations. On the other hand, there are developers in the US who may charge upwards of $150/hr and still provide the same poor quality of work. However, there are also many very talented resources overseas that will produce top of the line quality while also driving down your expenses, which leads into the next key factor…
2. Cost to Outsource Custom Software Development
Your thought process in choosing your custom software development company should also heavily consider cost. Although quality comes first, budget restraints may keep you from investing $100K – $500K in one project. Being wise with your investments in the short run will lead to huge benefits in the long run, especially when those funds may be better spent in a different avenue such as marketing!
While investing in local development may cost $100K – $500K for a single project, outsourcing may reduce the total price by a significant amount, looking at new costs of $20K – $100K for the same exact quality. However, although cost is very important, you want a product that people can get behind. In other words, you want a product that your customers, employees, or whomever, may enjoy and believe in. The only way to make that happen is through quality, which is often the product of the next piece of this puzzle, communication.
3. Provide Great Client – Software Development Team Communication
“Hi Tyler, very good project we work on you, pls budget advise.” – Need I say more?
With outsourcing custom software development, there is a fear of a huge barrier in communication and for a great reason as seen in the quote above. However, not all local custom software development companies provide great communication either, taking 1-2 weeks to respond to a simple email with a few questions or maybe developing something that you did not want in the first place due to lack of communication. Therefore, you need to find a company or individual who is invested in you and your software. They should not only make you a priority as a client, but also provide you with passion and different insights that may push you to think about your product in different ways than ever before.
The Solution
You may now be thinking that didn’t help at all, and still feel torn between the quality, cost, and communication dilemma. However, what if there was a middle ground? What if you could choose a custom software development company that provided top of the line quality, affordable costs, and excellent communication? Allow me to introduce you to the hybrid software development solution.
Learn more about the Custom Software Hybrid Solution
With this solution you will ideally find an established company with offices locally based in the US, as well as a development team based offshore in a technologically advanced country such as Romania. Therefore, by carefully selecting a hybrid software development company with impressive previous work and testimonials from clients, with development resources based overseas, and with personnel locally based in the US for effortless communication, your decision becomes a much easier task.