Do You Really Need More In-House Programmers Or Hiring Dedicated Teams Would Suit You Better?

You’ve got an established business, maybe a small team of programmers working for you and sustaining your daily development needs. But if you’ve got bigger plans for the future and want to see your business grow and automate more processes, you’ll need more development workforce. Or maybe you’re in need of specific expertise for a particular project. Perhaps you’ve heard of dedicated development teams and software outsourcing, but you’re still not sure if it wouldn’t be better for you to hire in-house developers or dedicated teams. From our experience of helping businesses fulfill their development needs by offering offshore staffing services, we can guide you through a quick comparison of the two types of development services, in-house vs dedicated teams.
Goals vs. Hires
First of all, you should answer yourself these questions: Do you want to have results and goals accomplished or hire employees? Do you have immediate, actual needs that require software development that can’t be covered with your in-house workforce? Or do you need more employees working for you on an indefinite term? If you need a bunch of diverse specialists working exclusively for you on a certain project, you may find the solution of dedicated teams more profitable and straight-forward.
Hiring Process
You are probably very aware of the time-consuming nature of the hiring process. You hire recruiting agencies or place expensive ads to target the right candidates. You organize interviews and still, you don’t seem to find the right fit most of the times. Would you better save that time and effort? Software companies offering dedicated development teams services do no charge for the hiring. Also, they’ve got a pool of full-time employees with various qualifications, among which you almost certainly find the qualified ones to do your job. For example, Clarisoft Technologies has vetted employees and already know their skills, strengths, and weaknesses. We can recommend to you, depending on your project, the appropriate team structure, with the right balance between junior, middle and senior developers. This will help you avoid surprises later down the road.
Costs and skills
Hiring dedicated development teams will definitely help you save costs. Outsourcing software development services imply that multiple people can be hired for the same costs of a US developer. Keep in mind that when hiring dedicated teams, high retention rates are critical because true costs are 30-50% smaller with it. Working with the same dedicated team for more than three months implies that the team of developers working solo on your project gets to know your outline and requirements. It gets accustomed to your work procedures and becomes involved and more productive. Retention is much higher with Clarisoft developers versus independent remote developer (companies that work with remote developers and are successful have special programs dedicated to retaining remote workers).
If you’ve got a complex project, you won’t get your work done with just one or two full-stack developers. Programmers with different skill sets are required to complete platforms (ie: backend, frontend, mobile). Full stack developers are less efficient because it is hard enough to keep up with one platform, let alone three or five, and are also very expensive.
Another advantage of dedicated teams is that other employees can be hired when new technologies are needed, in order to avoid the very high costs of retraining.
When hiring in-house developers, you also have to support the fixed costs for office, HR, and other employees benefits. With dedicated teams, these costs are supported by the software companies.
Do you think about lowering the costs even more? See how dedicated teams compare to freelancers in terms of expertise, security, commitment, communication, and price.
Outsourcing software companies are already familiar with remote and asynchronous work and have perfect the process to make this efficient. Clarisoft Technologies has 12+ years experience in supporting dedicated development team models, with successful long-term partnerships with Broadsoft and Livongo. You won’t be faced with ”development gaps” because other employees can help in case of vacation, or overload. What is more, Clarisoft Technologies offers special programs to keep employee satisfaction very high, so you don’t have to worry about this kind of issues, as you would have to do for your in-house developers. Correlated with the advantages of Agile Methodology that Clarisoft uses, the process is a smooth, extremely functional one.
The dedicated teams model eliminates all liabilities related to direct hires (ie: workers compensation, accidents, lawsuits, etc.). For US based companies, you do not have to deal with Nexus regulations of having employees in other states. Furthermore, you do not need to know particular employment laws in certain states, or being hit later with fines, retroactive tax, and high penalties.
Bad hires
Not satisfied with a certain employee? We will find a better fit for you. Your company will not need to deal with potential time and expense of replacing a bad hire. At Clarisoft Technologies employees get reviewed by us, as well by the customer. It’s an advantage for both the development company and the clients to have performant employees and customer satisfaction.
Think the dedicated development model would fit your development needs? Contact us and let’s create your dream development team together!