Boost Your Company Growth Through Referral Marketing

How to Grow Your Business Organically Using Referral Marketing

Dropbox is currently valued at about $10 billion.  Shortly after opening its doors in 2008, they needed a way to increase get their user base of 100,000 to the next level.  So. they turned to Referral Marketing.  By implementing a customer referral marketing program, Dropbox soared from 100,000 users to 4,000,000 in just over a year.

How?  – Because 92% of people trust recommendations from people they know, and according to Nielsen, are 4x more likely to buy.

Creating or enhancing your referral marketing program can be easy and painless, and has potential to increase your current customer base exponentially.

Keep it simple and sweet

  1. Provide users with an easy way to promote your businesses product, service, etc.
  2. Incentive them to share it with their friends via social media, email, etc.
  3. Reward both your ‘referee’, and the new customer

This does not have to be financial incentive, but could be additional or enhanced/product service.  For example, Dropbox simply offered existing and new customers the ability to increase their storage.  Leverage your own products/services in your referral marketing program to provide even further organic growth for your company.

Know of anybody searching for custom software?  Receive a huge cash bonus or discounts on your development costs for sending a referral our way!

– Check out WP Curve for great info regarding the Dropbox referral marketing program.

Tyler Jacobs:
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