The Solo Software Developer – A 90’s Ideology

The Software Developer Superhero
In the early stages of software development, you know, somewhere in the 80-90’s, inter connectivity and different platforms communicating to one another didn’t exist. Creating software was done in one language, which made life easy. Due to this, the software developer superheros were born. These people have mastered a specific language and could optimize your entire platform by themselves, which was absolutely miraculous.
The Modern Software Platform
Over the past decade, computing has transformed toward inter connectivity. For some odd reason, everyone wants to talk to everyone. Every modern platform has a level of interaction with another platform, whether it be a social network, personal emails or a project management system. Not only are they connected, but there are a plethora of methods you can access this information, you know, I guess people look at things on their phones. Due to these advancements in technology, software developers are required to build on multiple platforms and languages that are all compatible.
If you think choosing a database language is confusing, options ranging from SQL or to Query all the way to the full circle, MEAN Stack. Now that we have a general idea of the options available to set up a database, the question is do we need a web application, along with Smartphone applications? If so that’ll require C#, Java and a plethora of other languages that must play friendly with one another.
Long story short, there is no way that a single software developer could have knowledge of all these languages, and excel at them.
In Walks Software Development Teams
Now that there is an understanding of the complexity behind developing software, are there any solutions? Maybe? JayKay, absolutely. Development teams can bring expertise together on an array of technologies that all interconnect with one another. Now for some self-promotion, Clarisoft has a team of 60 developers with an array of expertise. This can range from a mobile development department for Smartphones, to databases, architecture and web applications. The only way to stay on the cutting edge of custom software development is to ensure you keep an eye on how it will evolve.